Welcome to my new and improved personal blog. My name is Alwyn Sy, a law graduate, marathoner and volunteer business coach of Create Abundance International Business Community. My passion is running and I want to be financially free to be able to run around the world. Our mission in the community is to spread financial education to the Filipino people. It is also our dream to lay the foundation for First-World Philippines and Filipinos to be world-class entrepreneurs. Aside from helping out in our family's garments business, I am also an International Executive of Nu Skin Enterprises, a company specializing in health, beauty and anti-aging. Hope you enjoy reading some of the articles (business, running and anything under the sun).

Monday, August 29, 2011

12 Running Lessons Applied in Business (Part 2 of 3)

To give you a quick recap, the first 4 lessons are: 1. Going against the norm; 2. You control your life; 3. Preparation; and 4. Taking action. Now we move on to the next batch.

5. Getting out of your comfort zone - I really admire Francis Chua and the rest of the RunChaos Running Group. Sometime last year as they were registering for a 10K running event, the attendant (allegedly in a haughty manner) told them that all the 10Ks are sold out. A bit pissed on the attendant's demeanor, they took it as a challenge and right then and there decided to give the 21K distance a go. In my humble opinion, that kind of impulsive jumping from 10K to 21K without the adequate preparation is a bit dangerous. But Francis and the guys had a good plan to just take it slow, incorporating light runs with walk breaks and enjoy the run. Well, they were all able to successfully level up from 10K runners to half-marathoners, all because they dared to get out of their comfort zones. Simply put, if you're just contented with your current running setup and don't have the guts to make the jump to a longer distance, you won't get anywhere.

Same principle applies in business. In our wealth courses we always teach this statement: "Your income zone is in direct proportion to your comfort zone." If you want to earn a lot more than what you currently have, then you have to get out of your shell! Take for example Mr. Henry Sy. If he was simply content in selling shoes all his life, never daring to venture into opening a department store, would SM be where it is right now?

There are a lot of people who would rather play small, saying things like, "I'm currently happy with what I have" or "I don't need to have lots of money." It's either they fear failure or they feel unworthy. But hear this: your life is not just about you. It's also about contributing to others. Wouldn't it be a greater feeling to be able to add value to the lives of a lot of people because you were able to expand your comfort zone which, in turn, also expanded your income zone?

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."- Michaelangelo

6. Constant learning - In running, we constantly learn to improve our performance. We do assessments after a run, read running magazines, surf the internet, know the latest trends and gadgets, and train harder. We also listen to words of advice from runners who have already finished a certain distance, knowing their technique, work ethic, and learning from their mistakes. To be successful in running, who would you listen to? An experienced runner who has been there and done that or a couch potato who has been there...lying on the couch?

In the MLM business, we also constantly learn to improve our performance. We do assessments after a presentation/sale/demo, read lots of books, surf the internet, know the latest market trends, and improve ourselves. We also listen to words of advice from successful mentors who have already made certain achievements in the company, knowing their techniques, work ethic and learning from their mistakes. To be successful in this business, who would you listen to? A successful entrepreneur who has been there and done that or someone who quit the industry, was not able to produce results and keep on telling everyone that it is just a scam?

In everything we do, we should keep on learning. The world is very dynamic as a lot of changes can happen ASAP. Author/philosopher Eric Hoffer said, "The learners shall inherit the earth while the learned shall be beautifully equipped to live in a world that no longer exists." In other words, if you're not continuously learning, you will be left behind.

"If you want to fly with the eagles, don't swim with the ducks." - T. Harv Eker

7. Accepting failures - Setbacks in running include not being able to beat your Personal Record, cramping up during the last few kilometers, or (happened 2 times to me :) not being able to wake up to join the race. Last Sunday, I just made another boo-boo during the Two For Taft Run. Made a wrong turn in the first few kilometers and got lost in Loop #2. As a result, I finished earlier than the rest but got disqualified because I was not able to pass by the last loop cord. It's a bit disappointing because this is one race I look forward to getting a very good time since I get to run with most of my law school peers. But instead of complaining and ranting, I just laughed it off and waited for my friends to finish. I have accepted the fact that failures are part of life, and it's all up to you on how you would react to it. For me, it's a constant reminder to make the necessary preparations before the race, like getting familiar with the race route! :)

In the network marketing business, failures are abound. Friends rejecting meetings, not being able to make an appointment, last minute cancellation of an appointment, not being able to share/sell the products, not being able to hit the monthly sales volume. A lot of people not used to failing often end up quitting or fading away, but is that the proper attitude if one wants to be successful? What if, instead of complaining and ranting, you take the time to evaluate yourself, acknowledge the failures that happened, make the necessary adjustments and learn from them? 

Being successful in business is similar to a bird first learning how to fly: the bird will fall a bit before being able to properly flap its wings and take flight. If you raise the white flag on the first signs of failure, you will never succeed. But if you embrace failure as part of your incoming success, maintain a positive outlook and keep moving forward, you will succeed.

"Nothing fails like success because we don't learn from it. We learn only from failure." - Kenneth Boulding

8. Commitment - I can still remember the feeling I've felt after my first fun run. Aside from catching my breath in trying (and fortunately succeeding) to outrun a kid in front of me during the entire race, I felt pumped up and realized that hey, I can be good in this sport! Others might treat running as a fad but for me, after that fateful day of running (and my only time to get a podium finish since it is just a small event :), I made a commitment to keep on running. I fell in love with the sport, and was able to encourage some of my friends to try and appreciate running. As I am a few weeks away from achieving a significant milestone in my running career (first full marathon on March20), I remain true to my word that I will remain committed to running until I am able to finish a 102K ultramarathon, able to run around the world, and run with my children and grandchildren. :)

I can still remember the feeling I've felt after my first Galvanic Spa sale. Aside from catching my breath in trying to meet the deadline for the monthly sales volume, I felt pumped up and realized that hey, I can be good in this business! Others might treat the Nu Skin business as a "racket" but for me, after that fateful day of closing my first sale, I made a commitment to succeed in this business and help other people succeed as well. As I am a few points away from achieving a significant milestone in my business career, I remain true to my word that I will remain committed to this business until I get to attain the highest title (Team Elite), able to help a lot of people in their health and aging concerns. empower leaders to achieve their dreams, travel around the world, and stay forever young.

"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek." - Mario Andretti

(to be continued)

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