Welcome to my new and improved personal blog. My name is Alwyn Sy, a law graduate, marathoner and volunteer business coach of Create Abundance International Business Community. My passion is running and I want to be financially free to be able to run around the world. Our mission in the community is to spread financial education to the Filipino people. It is also our dream to lay the foundation for First-World Philippines and Filipinos to be world-class entrepreneurs. Aside from helping out in our family's garments business, I am also an International Executive of Nu Skin Enterprises, a company specializing in health, beauty and anti-aging. Hope you enjoy reading some of the articles (business, running and anything under the sun).

Monday, June 27, 2011

Cashflow 101 Personal Finance Workshop

Fight the financial crisis and increase your financial IQ!

We would like to invite you to one of our public events. To start a business or do anything, you must start with yourself. Build your life plan. Start managing your life. Participate in CASHFLOW 101- Personal Finance Workshop.

CASHFLOW 101- Personal Finance Workshop

It is an educational board game that teaches you the basics of fundamental investing and how to take control of your personal finances, build a business through proper cash flow management, and learn how to invest with greater confidence in real estate and other businesses. CASHFLOW 101 was created for the sole purpose of teaching financial literacy, be a master of money and elevate the people's financial IQ. It was invented by best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki.
During the game, you can invest in stock market, buy properties, trade, be a broker and lend at the bank using paper money. Anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of money is an extremely simple and fun way. It has lots of information that will kick you in the seat and motivate you to get going.

Our community made significant changes in the way we create time and money freedom. Because of these tremendous benefits we got from Robert Kiyosaki's books and teachings we decided to share this financial education to Filipinos who are interested in shifting their mindset about money and willing to learn new ways in finding solutions to their money problems.

This is one of the Cashflow Workshops in Manila that allows the public to have a first hand experience of Robert Kiyosaki's educational board game.

When: Saturdays (except last week of month: Sunday) 8:30am-1:00pm
Where: Spicy Fingers Greenbelt 2 Makati
Fee: Php200.00 inclusive of Lunch.

Click on the link below for a Flash presentation overview of Cashflow101 Game:

To know more about Create Abundance Business Community, please visit and register at  www.ca2020.net

Kindly reply with the ff. details or text the sender at the contact details below to register:
Full Name:
Mobile No:
Profession/Business Line:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 0917.8588907 or 0922.8396965
Email: coach.alwynsy@yahoo.com
website: www.ca2020.net


  1. Warrant of Arrest for Estafa/Fraud for Rovel Desierdo Tomambo aka Coach Rovel
    Beware of this notorious CONMAN, Con Artist, Fraud, Crook, Thief, Scammer, Scamster
    Behind the following companies: Palawan Islands, Elysian Fields Realty, RovLand Realty, Empyreal Inc, Rov-Land Realty, Rovel Realty Services, Life Entrepreneurship Program (LEP), Create Abundance Network, Create Abundance 2020, CA 2020, CARENET, CARENET COOP

    Member off: Alphi Ph Omega, APO, UP Vanguard Makati, Scouts Royale Brotherhood

    Image: Warrant of Arrest


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