Welcome to my new and improved personal blog. My name is Alwyn Sy, a law graduate, marathoner and volunteer business coach of Create Abundance International Business Community. My passion is running and I want to be financially free to be able to run around the world. Our mission in the community is to spread financial education to the Filipino people. It is also our dream to lay the foundation for First-World Philippines and Filipinos to be world-class entrepreneurs. Aside from helping out in our family's garments business, I am also an International Executive of Nu Skin Enterprises, a company specializing in health, beauty and anti-aging. Hope you enjoy reading some of the articles (business, running and anything under the sun).
Hello guys! Last year I celebrated my 27th birthday by having my friends run a 5K with me at the 2nd Quezon City International Marathon. 27 of them registered for the event and the proceeds gathered were used for our business community's Christmas Feeding Program (in cooperation with Lifeline Foundation). The birthday run was a success because most of my friends who signed up were first time fun runners (helped them start having a healthy lifestyle), most of them got loot bags courtesy of yours truly, and one of my buddies met his girlfriend on that day (matchmaker fee when you get married!). But most importantly, I was able to fulfill a commitment to be able to give back to the less fortunate members of our community every year. Now, it's almost time to add another year to my age, and I would like to invite everyone to help out fulfill a bigger goal of mine - to finish my third full marathon (42K) on December 4, 2011 at QCIM 3 and to help more in the eradication of malnutrition in the Philippines.
Bib No. 143 - LOVE!
For this year, I would need a little help from you guys to make the event successful. I will be collecting pledges for every kilometer that I will run at QCIM 3. If you can spare a few pesos per kilometer, that would be great! For example, 10 pesos per km would be 420 pesos (10 multiplied by 42 kilometers). All pledges collected will go to our next Nourish the Children Feeding Program this December. Also, part of the proceeds will go to the Southeast Asia Children's Heart Fund.
How to make a pledge:
1. Bank deposit to BPI Savings, Alwyn Sy, 1749-0944-23.
2. For international donations, via Paypal to alwyn_sy@yahoo.com
Kindly inform me via text message, FB, Twitter or email if you need assistance in registering for the run.
Questions, suggestions or comments? Feel free to contact me at alwyn_sy@yahoo.com, 0917-5396965 or 0922-8396965. Hope you can help make this year's event successful!
For more info on Nourish the Children Foundation and SEA Children's Heart Fund, click the links below:
UPDATE: We have been making arrangements with this year's beneficiary. It's not yet final, but all collected donations will be for the benefit of the children of Gawad Kalinga. Will keep you guys posted for any updates.
Highlights from last year's run and Feeding Program with Lifeline Foundation.
Last year's event was a memorable one for Mr. Tayco. :)
Last year's celebrity guest: Puss In Boots!
Some of the priority kids whose families received VitaMeal bags.
"A good plan is like a road map; it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there." - H. Stanley Judd
In the race of life, we are all running towards the finish line. Whether it be to reach the summit of the corporate ladder, to successfully flourish in business, to be a successful professional or happily get married and blessed with children, we all have an ultimate destination to go to and that is to attain happiness. To get there faster, we can’t rely on gut feel alone. This is similar to a trip going to Baguio for the first time. It will definitely take a huge chunk of time just by driving around without knowing the easiest way to get there. That’s what road maps are made for.
Road maps are created because there are already people who’ve been there and to be able to show you the ways to arrive at your destination. But there are lots of bad maps and good maps out there. The bad maps are very confusing, disorganized and would take a lot of time for you to get to success. Good maps, on the other hand, are very clear, organized and, if followed, would be able to bring you to success faster.
That's why in life, always be on the lookout for the good maps: those that will not always give you the shortest route, or might be loaded with speed bumps or obstacles, but will definitely give you lots of wisdom and experience as you arrive at the destination.
"Why do you want to become financially succesful?" is the question I always ask my guests attending our Wealth Course or Cashflow Workshop. The most common answers I get are:
to be able to provide for my family's basic needs
to have more time for my family
to get out of employment
to make a difference to other people
There are no right or wrong answers. What I observe, however, is that our goals change over time.They become more deeper and more meaningful.
The best psychological explanation would be the famous Hierarchy of Needs as explained by Abraham Maslow.
In one of our Wealth Course modules, we ask participants to list down 10 Purposes of Money, and rank them according to priority. From there I can pinpoint his/her current needs and where it falls under the pyramid.
If you are an aspiring entrepreneur whose primary "end goals" are for the betterment of community and country, I encourage you to attend our community events! Our country needs more business leaders.
Here's my favorite poem, introduced by our English professor way back during freshmen year in college.
Ithaca by Constantine Cavafy
When you start on your journey to Ithaca,
then pray that the road is long,
full of adventure, full of knowledge.
Do not fear the Lestrygonians
and the Cyclopes and the angry Poseidon.
You will never meet such as these on your path,
if your thoughts remain lofty, if a fine
emotion touches your body and your spirit.
You will never meet the Lestrygonians,
the Cyclopes and the fierce Poseidon,
if you do not carry them within your soul,
if your soul does not raise them up before you.
Then pray that the road is long.
That the summer mornings are many,
that you will enter ports seen for the first time
with such pleasure, with such joy!
Stop at Phoenician markets,
and purchase fine merchandise,
mother-of-pearl and corals, amber and ebony,
and pleasurable perfumes of all kinds,
buy as many pleasurable perfumes as you can;
visit hosts of Egyptian cities,
to learn and learn from those who have knowledge.
Always keep Ithaca fixed in your mind.
To arrive there is your ultimate goal.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better to let it last for long years;
and even to anchor at the isle when you are old,
rich with all that you have gained on the way,
not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.
Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would never have taken the road.
But she has nothing more to give you.
And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not defrauded you.
With the great wisdom you have gained, with so much experience,
you must surely have understood by then what Ithacas mean.
One of my favorite words of wisdom from Robert Kiyosaki's rich dad, as this resonates with my philosophies in business and running:
"The difference between a winner and a loser is defined by the finish line. Winners do not care if they come across the finish line in first or last place. All they care about is crossing the line. Losers quit before winning. Losers run 95 yards of a 100-yard race every day of their lives."
Robert Metcalf is one of the people credited for creating the ether-net. He also more recently founded the 3 Com Corp., which produces the popular Palm Pilot. He is also credited for defining Metcalf's Law, which is:
A Network's Economic Value = No. of Users (squared)
Stating in simpler terms, if there exists one telephone, it really has no economic value. The moment there are two telephones, according to Metcalf's Law, the economic value of the phone network is now squared. The economic value of the network would go from 0 to 4.
Applying the principle in network marketing, just joining one does not entitle you to harness the power. In order for you to do so, your job is to clone and duplicate someone just like you. The moment there are two of you, your economic value is squared. The value of your network has just gone from 0 to 4.
And this is how to harness the power of Metcalf's Law. Happy Metcalf-ing! :)
On why a lot of people do not make it to the top of a network marketing business:
"Most people only join to make money. If they do not make money in the first few months or years, they get discouraged, quit, and then often bad-mouth the network marketing industry. Others quit and go looking for a company with a better compensation plan. Joining to make a few quick cash is not the reason to get into the business."
What then are the reasons?
"Reason number one is TO HELP YOURSELF and reason number two is TO HELP OTHERS. If you join for only one of the two reasons, the system will not work for you."
Deep inside I know that in a few years' time, I'll get to see the bigger picture and understand why this statement rings true. :)
"One piece of log creates a small fire, adequate to warm you up, add just a few more pieces to blast an immense bonfire, large enough to warm up your entire circle of friends; needless to say that individuality counts but team work dynamites." - Jin Kwon
We live in a world of duality. Black and White. Yin and Yang. Ernie and Bert. One cannot exist without the other.
Just like in the world of Network Marketing, there are the legal and the illegal ones; the good and the bad.
We all have some "horror stories" of the bad scamming ones, but how can we choose the best network marketing company for you? I suggest you follow these simple guidelines (taken from Robert Kiyosaki's "The Business School For People Who Like Helping People"):
1. It's Not About the Money... - The best MLM is not the one that could offer you the best compensation plans as compared to others. One must not be blinded by the riches and expensive property flashed by the so-called leaders or pioneers.
2. It's Not About the Products... - Well, just make sure that the products sold by an MLM are legitimate, safe, and not just some kind of bogus magic stuff that you can easily purchase in Quiapo. But like I said, choosing the best MLM is not solely based on the effectivity of its products.
3. It's About the Education Plan! - The most important criteria is the company's commitment in training and educating you not only as a salesman or distributor, but more importantly, to be a well-rounded leader. The education must be a life-changing one; not immediate, but for the long term. The best analogy would be the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly.
So why did I join Create Abundance? Because I can see that the community is committed in making its members grow from caterpillars to butterflies. I suggest you keep an open mind and discover this brave new world! :)
Before I joined the community, I was one of those against network marketing. The mere mention of the words "networking" and "MLM" conjured images of dark pyramids, promises of earning huge amounts of money without working, the face of that Japanese dude who perfected a scam decades ago and getting away with it, and the showing off of riches and the desperate recruitment methods. I almost joined one of them years ago, and after that traumatic incident, I swore not to join an MLM (multi-level marketing) Company and just follow my dream of being a lawyer and/or focusing on my business....
Fast forward September 27, 2010, a day after Bar Exams. I realized that focusing on my law career alone will not make me reach for my dreams that fast (unless I would give in to sacrificing some of my values.). I needed to find other ways of becoming financially free. My life partner Coach Jenny Sia was the one who introduced me to Create Abundance and made me attend Module 1 of the Wealth Course. Although I already have an "insider information" about the businesses that the community teaches, I decided to
suspend my previous beliefs and keep an open mind. After attending all the modules, finishing the tasks and finally being part of the Core Team, I now realize that not all MLM's are illegal. Well, there are the
good ones and the bad ones. Unfortunately here in our country, the industry has a tainted image, so it's really up to us to check out whether the company we want to be part of is on the "right side of the fence."
So why Network Marketing? Here are a few reasons why this is an effective way of not only making you successful, but also making others successful as well.
1. Low price of entry - Unlike when you start your own business where you would need a huge amount of money for capital, in network marketing, you get to be part of the business for a minimal amount of investment.
2. Established business system - Most legal MLM's have established systems which are tried and tested to make you successful if you devote your time and effort to it.
3. Education - A good network marketing group makes sure you grow and develop as a leader, and not as a mere distributor or self-employed person.
4. Mentorship - What better way to be successful than to learn from mentors and coaches who have already been there.
How to choose the right MLM for you? Tune in to the next post!
2010 was a fairly good year. Lots of new friends, challenges, lessons and experiences. As we bid farewell to 2010 and welcome 2011, let me get a quick recap of the best highlights, or what I call as my successes of the year:
1. Officially graduated from law school. - 'Though I finished law school last October of 2009, the actual graduation ceremony took place on April 16. Yes, the road was long and arduous. Challenges and obstacles here and there. But as cliche as it may sound, the journey is more important in the end, and what matters is you crossed the finish line and didn't quit. The law career may not be the perfect fit for me, but I was able to make my family happy (or relieved I should say) for this final achievement of my educational career.
2. Survived the bloody Bar Exams. - The final battle of all law students. Time went by so fast that the exams were finally over! 9 months of preparation, prayers and play time (to balance my well-being) were all worth it thanks to my friends and family who were always there to support me and just keep me sane throughout the entire journey. The exams were really tough, but I gave it my best and answered every question in a "lawyerly" manner. Whatever the outcome, I can proudly say that I didn't give up and was able to finish the Carpio-Morales Bar Exams.
3. Law school to Law office. - After law school I helped out as a legal assistant in a law firm in QC, and despite the short stint, I was able to be a part of very wonderful people and learned a lot of stuff, especially on how to deal with different kinds of people.
4. Evolution from a 5-K runner to a half-marathoner. - I was hooked with the running fever during the last quarter of 2009, and I am very happy that I have upgraded to finishing 21K. Running has gave me a lot of lessons in life, especially the 1st 21K that i finished last August where I firmly believed that by doing so, I am ready to take the Bar with no hesitations. Come 2011, it's time to conquer the full marathon!
5. Firestarter to the RunChaos - Early this year, I suggested running to my good friend Ahia Francis Chua, who was looking for a way to keep fit and recover from a knee injury at the same time. He enjoyed running, gathered a few more friends to try running, and thus Run Chaos running group was born. The group is composed of ordinary people who just loved to run, and I am fortunate enough to be part of them. They are like family to me whenever we have runs, and I enjoy their company especially with their hilarious antics! Age, indeed, is nothing but a number!
6. The rise of Golden Morthee. - 2008 and 2009 were tough times for our family business, especially with the old wholesale business going down. Fortunately, the four of us (Dad, Mom, Chels and me) were able to bounce back and make a good transition to the ladies' fashion industry. Although the business is still experiencing growing pains, I know Mom and Chels will become successful and famous in the near future.
7. Birthday Run and Outreach. - One of my dreams is to someday organize my own fun run and give back to the less fortunate on my birthday. It was partially realized last December 5 when I was able to gather some of my friends, mostly first timers, to join the 5K of QC International Marathon. Part of the proceeds were used to purchase Vitameal bags for Lifeline Foundation's feeding program. Someday, I will be able to help more people, and I am looking forward to that day.
8. Back to the "old" new house - New year, new beginning! It's time to move out of the old house and go back to the new house starting 1/1/2011. A new environment would be very conducive to brainstorming for our businesses, and hopefully will cure us from our own bad habits.
9. Shifting to a different career path and helping people through financial education. - Although I was able to finish law school on a high note, being a successful entrepreneur/businessman is still my first love. Thanks to Jenny, I was introduced to Create Abundance, a business community of very open-minded and positive individuals who want to be financially free not just for themselves, but for the country as well. Right after the Bar Exams (hangover and all), I was able to take the 1st Wealth Course, and the rest is history. Joining CA opened me up to a new world of possibilities, and I am very happy because I am able to spread financial education to the Filipino people while doing our own businesses.
10. Jenny and I on the same page. - Jenny resigned from corporate life (for good) at the same time I was reviewing for the Bar. Talk about good timing! If she was still employed, I foresee a lot of fights due to lack of time for each other. Now that the exams are all over, Jenny and I are now able to synchronize our priorities and do our own business together. It takes the both of us to be open-minded and work together for the business to grow, and so far, I can say that we are a pretty good combination! I strongly believe that 2011 will be a very good year for us, and this is a great opportunity for us to enjoy life, give back to our parents, and build our dreams.
To everyone who were a part of my Year 2010, thank you very much! 2011 will be better than the last, and I am ready to embark on new adventures and face new challenges that life has to offer. :)
Here's my favorite quotation on Having No Regrets in whatever decision you take in life:
"I would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like if I'd just been myself." - Brittany Renée
There are two kinds of pain: the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Of the two, the pain of regret hits the hardest, because you can never bring back something that's already gone.
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic." - Author Unknown
This is a good quote especially for Average Juans like me. To attain success in life, you don't need to be academically gifted. All you need is a strong heart, passion to learn and eagerness to try out new things. As the saying goes, "Luck favors the bold."
This is one question people often ask me. I remember asking advice way back then from my relatives. My dad and uncles said, "If you want a constant and steady type of business, go for what the people need, like food or clothing." Good piece of advice from them if you want to be sure that you will have a steady stream of customers. But is that a guarantee?
Yes, food is a good business to go into. However, I can't overlook the fact that a lot of restaurants which look promising close down due to inefficient business systems, high rental costs and fierce competition.
The garments industry is another good business. People need to wear clothes everyday, and the women in general are very particular in terms of keeping up with the fashion trends. The downside? If your brand isn't as popular to create a stir in the high end market or you can't compete with the low prices in 168, Baclaran or Divisoria, your chances of being wealthy in this industry is slim.
So what is a good business which can give you a significant amount of profit?
There are lots of specific businesses which can do so, but let me emphasize an amazing tip we often hear from our Marketing or Economics professors: In starting a business, capitalize on the market trends. And the ones dictating the biggest trends: the Baby Boomers.
The Baby Boomers are people born between 1946-64, and based on research, are 1/3 of the entire human population and control 65% of all the money. For more information and tips on good industries to target the needs of the Boomers, please watch the video below.
As a quick recap of my previous post: 5. Getting out of your comfort zone; 6. Constant learning; 7. Accepting failures and 8. Commitment. We now move on to the last 4 lessons.
9. Eliminating the word "quit" from your vocabulary. - In the sport of running, I don't care about the top finishers. Who I admire most are the last finishers, people whose names can be found at the bottom of the list. They may have lots of adversity: lack of proper training, weight issues, or sudden injuries during the race, but the most important thing is that they did not quit. That's why race organizers give out finisher medals to 21K runners and above, to recognize their efforts of not giving up and finishing the race.
To succeed in network marketing, one must also never give up. There may be lots of adversities on your way to success, whether it be the people close to you (dreamstealers), the Filipino peoples' generally poor mindset and crab mentality, misconceptions about the industry or even yourself (procrastination, self-doubt), we must never allow them to overcome our big dreams for your family and society and keep moving forward.
"Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touch down." - Ross Perot
10. Slow start, strong finish. - My mindset evolved as a runner. Back then when I was running short distances, my overall objective was to finish fast. I consider myself an above-average runner and seeing my name among the top 20% of the finishers would give me satisfaction. I had a paradigm shift when I started doing longer distances. I used my old strategy on my first half-marathon. Although I finished at a respectable time of under 2 and a half hours, my legs were worn out and had a tough time walking the following day. To finish strong, one must start at a slow pace first. I know a lot of people who start out fast and strong, only to empty their tanks near the end. The race is a long way to go. Better to take it slow at first, set the proper pace, bask in the running atmosphere, enjoy the scenery, and then gain the momentum for a strong and injury-free finish.
Same thing with business. I always equate my business with running a full marathon. The finish line is still far. Some are sprinters, while some are pacers. It's ok to start slow. What matters most is you develop your foundation, build pipelines and gain the proper momentum for a strong finish. Our mentors call it the "snowball effect." Imagine you are going uphill building a snowball. There comes a point when the snowball is getting bigger and heavier, and you are having a tough time hoisting it up the peak of the hill. If you give up pushing, the snowball drags you down back to start. That's why most people quit when they go back to the beginning. But if you keep pushing and pushing until you reach the summit, the rest of it will be downhill. And mind you, the snowball keeps getting bigger and bigger, and momentum will propel your business until you reach the finish line.
11. The Mission - Otherwise known as the Big Why. Why do I keep on running? I run to improve my cardiovascular health, to get rid of my belly, to be able to live longer, to destress, to meet more friends, to start my day right, to be able to help other people (through charity), and to appreciate the wonders of the world. If you don't know your mission in running, you will just be a person lost with no direction.
Why did I pursue this business? To have the following: financial freedom, time freedom, be able to empower other people in becoming future leaders, to provide jobs, and to retire rich and young. If you don't know your mission in business, you will just be a person lost with no direction.
Some of my friends would ask why I didn't focus on my legal career? Sayang naman ang 5 years of studying law. Well, our country has too many brilliant lawyers who all want a piece of glory. I humbly would step down and give the limelight to them to satisfy their passions. My passion, my lifeblood, is in building big businesses and coaching other people to be successful leaders for our country. Also, I realized that the legal track will not give me financial and time freedom at the fastest possible time, unless I "turn over to the dark side," if you know what I mean. :)
Being here in the Nu Skin business is like riding the fastest vehicle towards achieving my dreams. If I looked for a job, it'll be like riding a bicycle. Work as an associate in a law firm? Motorcycle. Traditional business/managing a firm? Probably like riding an ordinary sedan. With Nu Skin, it's like I'm riding a Bullet Train. And no matter how hard you pedal on your bike or slam the gas pedal in your sedan, you will never catch me! :)
How about you? What is your mission in your current undertaking?
12. Helping others succeed. - It's in my nature to think of others first. Although running is an individual sport, it gives me greater satisfaction to be able to help others cross the finish line. After conquering my first two half-marathons, I volunteered to be a pacer to my running buddies Francis Chua and Peter Ng who attempted their first 21K. I said to myself that it's a better feeling to help others cross the finish line and get their finisher medals rather than aim to improve my personal record time. There are plenty of opportunities in the future to train harder and get a faster time. Now that I'm months away from attempting my first ultramarathon, I will be once again running alongside my running buddy (and business partner) for the whole trip, helping each other cross the finish line and be recognized as ultramarathoners.
In our network marketing business, the same principle applies. The best and fastest way to earn a huge amount of passive income (income without having to work) is dependent upon the number of people you helped become successful (Executive level). In other words, this business is not just about knocking in people's homes and conducting product demonstrations, buying at wholesale and selling at retail, or recruiting hundreds of people as frontlines. What matters most is that we have a system in the community, we get to learn from those who are already successful, we develop our leadership and entrepreneurial skills (not just our ahente skills,) and the more people you help achieve their dreams, the more you will be able to achieve yours. The business model is what we call innovative franchising, the next step in the evolution of business.
"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things." - Mother Teresa
There goes my 12 lessons learned from running that I applied in business. Hope you were able to learn a thing or two from it. Share the insights to your friends/loved ones.
To give you a quick recap, the first 4 lessons are: 1. Going against the norm; 2. You control your life; 3. Preparation; and 4. Taking action. Now we move on to the next batch.
5. Getting out of your comfort zone -I really admire Francis Chua and the rest of the RunChaos Running Group. Sometime last year as they were registering for a 10K running event, the attendant (allegedly in ahaughtymanner) told them that all the 10Ks are sold out. A bit pissed on the attendant's demeanor, they took it as a challenge and right then and there decided to give the 21K distance a go. In my humble opinion, that kind of impulsive jumping from 10K to 21K without the adequate preparation is a bit dangerous. But Francis and the guys had a good plan to just take it slow, incorporating light runs with walk breaks and enjoy the run. Well, they were all able to successfully level up from 10K runners to half-marathoners, all because they dared to get out of their comfort zones. Simply put, if you're just contented with your current running setup and don't have the guts to make the jump to a longer distance, you won't get anywhere.
Same principle applies in business. In our wealth courses we always teach this statement: "Your income zone is in direct proportion to your comfort zone." If you want to earn a lot more than what you currently have, then you have to get out of your shell! Take for example Mr. Henry Sy. If he was simply content in selling shoes all his life, never daring to venture into opening a department store, would SM be where it is right now?
There are a lot of people who would rather play small, saying things like, "I'm currently happy with what I have" or "I don't need to have lots of money." It's either they fear failure or they feel unworthy. But hear this: your life is not just about you. It's also about contributing to others. Wouldn't it be a greater feeling to be able to add value to the lives of a lot of people because you were able to expand your comfort zone which, in turn, also expanded your income zone?
"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."- Michaelangelo
6. Constant learning -In running, we constantly learn to improve our performance. We do assessments after a run, read running magazines, surf the internet, know the latest trends and gadgets, and train harder. We also listen to words of advice from runners who have already finished a certain distance, knowing their technique, work ethic, and learning from their mistakes. To be successful in running, who would you listen to? An experienced runner who has been there and done that or a couch potato who has been there...lying on the couch?
In the MLM business, we also constantly learn to improve our performance. We do assessments after a presentation/sale/demo, read lots of books, surf the internet, know the latest market trends, and improve ourselves. We also listen to words of advice from successful mentors who have already made certain achievements in the company, knowing their techniques, work ethic and learning from their mistakes. To be successful in this business, who would you listen to? A successful entrepreneur who has been there and done that or someone who quit the industry, was not able to produce results and keep on telling everyone that it is just a scam?
In everything we do, we should keep on learning. The world is very dynamic as a lot of changes can happen ASAP. Author/philosopher Eric Hoffer said, "The learners shall inherit the earth while the learned shall be beautifully equipped to live in a world that no longer exists." In other words, if you're not continuously learning, you will be left behind.
"If you want to fly with the eagles, don't swim with the ducks." - T. Harv Eker
7. Accepting failures -Setbacks in running include not being able to beat your Personal Record, cramping up during the last few kilometers, or (happened 2 times to me :) not being able to wake up to join the race. Last Sunday, I just made another boo-boo during the Two For Taft Run. Made a wrong turn in the first few kilometers and got lost in Loop #2. As a result, I finished earlier than the rest but got disqualified because I was not able to pass by the last loop cord. It's a bit disappointing because this is one race I look forward to getting a very good time since I get to run with most of my law school peers. But instead of complaining and ranting, I just laughed it off and waited for my friends to finish. I have accepted the fact that failures are part of life, and it's all up to you on how you would react to it. For me, it's a constant reminder to make the necessary preparations before the race, like getting familiar with the race route! :)
In the network marketing business, failures are abound. Friends rejecting meetings, not being able to make an appointment, last minute cancellation of an appointment, not being able to share/sell the products, not being able to hit the monthly sales volume. A lot of people not used to failing often end up quitting or fading away, but is that the proper attitude if one wants to be successful? What if, instead of complaining and ranting, you take the time to evaluate yourself, acknowledge the failures that happened, make the necessary adjustments and learn from them?
Being successful in business is similar to a bird first learning how to fly: the bird will fall a bit before being able to properly flap its wings and take flight. If you raise the white flag on the first signs of failure, you will never succeed. But if you embrace failure as part of your incoming success, maintain a positive outlook and keep moving forward, you will succeed.
"Nothing fails like success because we don't learn from it. We learn only from failure." - Kenneth Boulding
8. Commitment -I can still remember the feeling I've felt after my first fun run. Aside from catching my breath in trying (and fortunately succeeding) to outrun a kid in front of me during the entire race, I felt pumped up and realized that hey, I can be good in this sport! Others might treat running as a fad but for me, after that fateful day of running (and my only time to get a podium finish since it is just a small event :), I made a commitment to keep on running. I fell in love with the sport, and was able to encourage some of my friends to try and appreciate running. As I am a few weeks away from achieving a significant milestone in my running career (first full marathon on March20), I remain true to my word that I will remain committed to running until I am able to finish a 102K ultramarathon, able to run around the world, and run with my children and grandchildren. :)
I can still remember the feeling I've felt after my first Galvanic Spa sale. Aside from catching my breath in trying to meet the deadline for the monthly sales volume, I felt pumped up and realized that hey, I can be good in this business! Others might treat the Nu Skin business as a "racket" but for me, after that fateful day of closing my first sale, I made a commitment to succeed in this business and help other people succeed as well. As I am a few points away from achieving a significant milestone in my business career, I remain true to my word that I will remain committed to this business until I get to attain the highest title (Team Elite), able to help a lot of people in their health and aging concerns. empower leaders to achieve their dreams, travel around the world, and stay forever young.
"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek." - Mario Andretti
Running is one of my passions. One of my big dreams if I become financially free is to run anywhere in the world whenever I want to. New York, Great Wall of China, Barbados, Australia, Antarctica (gulp!), game on! I've been running for close to two years now, finished my marathon last March and about to complete 2 more before the year ends. The sport has taught me a lot of life lessons. As I frequently tell my runner friends, every run is an experience! Allow me to share to you the 12 important lessons I've learned from running that I've applied (and will constantly apply) in my business:
1. Going against the norm - Although running is now a booming sport, it's still something not usually done by most people, especially here in the Philippines.When I started running, people close to me would make remarks like "Wala ka bang magawa? Magtrabaho ka nalang!" or "I like the idea of running, but I am still not ready." The "normal" non-runners would usually laugh at or sometimes even throw insults or invectives at the "abnormal" runners.
Although networking marketing is now a booming industry worldwide, it's still something not usually done by most people, especially here in the Philippines. When I started the Nu Skin business, people close to me would make remarks like "Wala ka bang magawa? Maghanap ka nalang ng tunay na trabaho!" or "I like the idea of having a business, but I am still not yet ready." The "normal" employees/professionals/traditional businessmen would usually laugh at or sometimes even throw insults or invectives (SCAMMERS/SPAMMERS) at the "abnormal" network marketers.
People would already jump into hasty conclusions, not looking at the bigger picture and not knowing the person's primary purpose for doing so. Why do I run? I run because I want to have a healthy lifestyle, appreciate nature and know my capabilities.Why did I join network marketing?Because this is the business fit for the Information Age and I am here to educate people that this business is legitimate and we can be professional network marketing entrepreneurs. Also, I want to attain financial freedom, be able to help and empower other people and have time for my family.
Being a semi-nonconformist has its advantages. As stated by Robert Frost in his famous poem "The Road Not Taken" - Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.
2. You control your life -It's all up to you whether you like to run or not. Run for one kilometer, walk the rest of the way? By all means! If your belief is that walking is just for wimps, go ahead! It is your initiative to run (or walk), and no one will force you to do so.
Likewise, in network marketing, you are the captain of the ship. You don't work from 8-5, you don't report to a boss, and you don't get fired for a lousy performance. Like running, it also depends on your initiative whether to start this kind of business or not.
A running coach is not a boss but a mentor. Likewise, an upline is not a boss but a mentor.
3. Preparation - You don't run the whole 21 or 42 kilometers without the adequate training and preparation. That is tantamount to suicide and could lead to serious injuries. Before an event, there must be the proper preparations. Where will the route be? Are there adequate water stations? Where are the emergency stations and toilet areas?
In the network marketing business, you don't just jump into the bandwagon without doing the necessary background check. Is the company stable? Is it a duly registered company? Does it offer a good compensation package? Are the products great? Is this the right company for me?
"Before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success." - Henry Ford
4. Taking action -Running starts when you get out of bed, put on your running shoes and hit the pavement. Just like learning how to swim: You may have read the best books, watched the best videos on swimming, and even memorized the proper forms; but if you don't jump into the pool and start swimming, you'll never learn how to.
Same formula in the MLM business. If you just sit around and do nothing, your business will not grow. But if you start sharing the beauty of the products through product demos, explain the business opportunity to others and look to help more people become better entrepreneurs, results will necessarily follow.
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”- Andre Gide
I'd like to share to you my daily morning prayer. This is to constantly remind me that I am in business to make peoples' lives better. Enjoy!
As I awaken with the gift of yet another day and prepare for the tasks at hand, I offer up this most ardent prayer:
I pray for continued clarity of purpose so that I may hold my vision steady and keep my focus on the needs and success of others, which in turn shall bring me my success.
I pray for the wisdom to expect abundance in my life, that it surrounds me and is available for the taking and to be shameless and unapologetic upon its receipt, for I deserve abundance.
I pray for a cheerful countenance, be it clear or cloudy skies and that I may radiate and infect others with my positive attitude.
I pray for the trust of others that they may recognize my sincerity and true intentions so that we may move forward together.
I pray for the strength to fend off adversity and use my desire and determination as both weapon and shield.
I pray for the courage to carry forth my convictions during the battle of business and to resist temptation to a quicker monetary result when such temptation compromises these things for which I stand.
I pray that I may be used as a lightning rod to collect the amazing ideas already present in the universe and when blessed with such inspiration, that I may be able to apply my talents and abilities to turn the power of thought into measurable advancement of my goals.
I pray to retain my childhood wonder so that I can recognize and revel in the small miracles of each day that others may miss.
I pray for an infinite supply of self-confidence for it alone fortifies faith, strengthens my resolve and conquers the largest enemy I will ever face - fear.
I pray for a compassionate spirit and the patience to offer those who seek my advice and my help, my full and undivided attention.
I pray for good health and a feeling of well being, and the continued desire to improve those areas of my physical life I may be neglecting in the name of my spiritual and entrepreneurial advancement.
I pray that today is a day of excellence and at its conclusion I can acknowledge and be grateful for the forward motion I have made and the growth I have experienced.
I pray most of all for the understanding and support of those closest to my heart, my family, that they will equate what may seem like endless hours of apparent pre-occupation with affairs of business to what is at the very core of my being, that which drives me, for once I achieve what I have set out in its fullest, I will become that more complete being I strive to be.
It is for these things that I pray, for I am an entrepreneur.
8 months ago, I had to make a tough decision. I had to choose between two roads.
The road to the right leads to the noble legal profession. This is the path where most people thought I would take. This is, for my parents, their dream for me. Attorney Alwyn Sy. Defender of the oppressed. Sounds good?
The road to the left leads to world-class entrepreneurship. This is the path where most people fear to take. This is, for me, the answer from the heavens that I was looking for. Platinum Team Elite Alwyn Sy. One of the few brave Filipinos who paved the way for First World Philippines. Now that sounds better!
Stage 1 of this road less travelled requires us to succeed in business, but not just any kind of business, it is a business best suited for the Information Age. Robert Kiyosaki calls it the "Business of the 21st Century." - NETWORK MARKETING.
And we are very fortunate to have partnered with arguably one of the best companies in the network marketing industry - Nu Skin Enterprises.
So why do I love this business? Let me count my 101 reasons.
1. Nu Skin has been in existence for 27 years. (almost exactly my age :)
2. Publicly listed in the NY Stock Exchange. (one of few companies whose stocks improved during the recession)
3. 5A1 rating given by Dun and Bradstreet. (think of it as a 5-star hotel)
5. Operates in 52 countries. (and it keeps growing and growing)
6. US$1.5 Billion in sales revenue last 2010 (projected to shoot up to $5B in 2020!)
7. A millionaire is born (from commissions) every 5 days.
8. Has a very generous compensation structure (front-middle-back end!)
9. High quality products (All of the Good, None of the Bad)
10. Powerful partnership with LifeGen Technologies (talk about reshaping the way we age at the DNA level)
11. Recipient of numerous American Business Awards (Stevies)
12. More than 100 in-house scientists all with PhD degrees. (Dr. Carl Djerassi, the "father of Birth Control", is one of them)
13. Better Business Bureau (BBB) A+ Rating.
14. Member of DSA (Direct Selling Association) and DSAP (Direct Selling Association of the Phils).
15. Corporate Social Responsibility - Force For Good Foundation to help put an end to malnutrition.
16. Company not only about beauty products; but also health supplements (Pharmanex) and anti-aging (ageLOC).
17. Products are consumable (slim chance of repeat orders for a refrigerator with lifetime warranty! :)
18. Patents and exclusive technology. (Would laugh out loud if I see a Galvanic Spa in 168! :)
19. Can start doing the business part-time or full-time.
20. Option for small business (buy at wholesale, sell at retail) or big business (build your organization)
21. What Apple did to revolutionize the music (and phone) industry, Nu Skin will do to the anti-aging industry.
22. Business is perfect to meet the demands of the baby boomer generation. (our lolos, lolas and parents)
23. ageLOC = anti-aging at the DNA level. No other company comes close!
24. Like Apple, Nu Skin continues to "Innovate, Innovate and Innovate!" We're excited with the next wave of products. Age will soon be nothing but a number!
25. You will earn more if you help more people succeed. Nu Skin is not for those who wanna ride solo.
26. I don't work for a boss. I am my own boss here.
27. I can do this business anytime I want. I'm not confined to an 8-5 job.
28. Mentors and coaches will teach you how they succeeded. All you need to do is to be an empty cup, be coachable and duplicate yourself to other people.
29. I don't get linear income. I get exponential/leveraged income.
30. Nu Skin's business model is an improved version of Franchising. We call it Innovative Franchising!
31. This business is perfectly suited for the Information Age (business tools, testimonials, videos are all in the net!)
32. This business is an asset which you can transfer to your children in the future. Can you do this to your job?
33. Can easily expand my business to other countries (with the power of the internet). Can you do this in your traditional business/ siomai foodcart/?
34. Perfectly positioned to be a Trillion Dollar Industry (distribution of Health and Wellness Products according to Paul Zane Pilzer)
35. I can start this business with a small amount of capital.
36. There is no income ceiling in this business. Millions of passive income per month is a reality!
37. I don't need to deal with employee problems.
38. I don't need to deal with all the paperwork (legal and accounting).
39. I don't need to invest all my money and time in research and development; I just need to share the beauty and value of our products.
40. I don't need to pay rent. Our offices are in key business locations around the country.
41. I don't need to sacrifice my values to get successful.
42. This business teaches us how to shift from the left side of the quadrant (employee, self-employed) to the right side of the quadrant. (business owner, investor)
43. Like a franchise, this business already has a system in place. You just need to make sure that you're in the right company, and you are with the right team who are committed to help you succeed.
44. On our way to our dreams, Nu Skin business is the perfect vehicle. This is not just a sports car, this is what we call the Bullet Train!
45. This is something most people won't do for a living, which makes it perfect because I love going against the status quo. :)
46. In the near future, the Nu Skin business will emerge as one of the top business opportunities due to economic recession.
47. With ageLOC, you get to have "first-mover advantage" in the anti-aging technology while having the solid foundation of the company to back you up.
48. I don't need a PhD to explain all the technical and scientific aspects of the products. I just use them and share the benefits I got from them.
49. The company's supplements are derived from quality food ingredients and are included in the Physician's Desk Reference (they are not medicine, but they can have curative properties like them!)
50. Products are visual and emotional. With the ageLOC Galvanic Spa, you can already look 5 years younger in just 5 minutes! (Note: picture below shows the effect after 90 days)
51. This business makes me feel healthier than ever. I feel energetic and I rarely get sick.
52. I get to be with positive-minded and proactive people. Energy is infectious!
53. Part of my growth comes from business and personal development books which I enjoy reading compared to the law books I endured for years!
54. This business does not train you to become salesmen (as most people might think); this business trains you to become big business owners.
55. If you are very good in sales, you can only go too far in this business. What's most important is how you can duplicate what you've learned to other people so that they can also duplicate themselves to others.
58. I make my family feel healthier and look younger.
59. The company is very generous when it comes to commissions and incentive trips.
60. The company's business presentation is very straightforward, unlike other companies who are obviously scripted and try to hype you by flashing their paychecks and cars (BLECH!)
61. Nu Skin business is not a get rich quick scheme. In network marketing, the quicker you get rich, the quicker the company closes down.
62. To succeed, I just need to look for 15 strong leaders who are committed as I am. There are 90 million Filipinos, finding the 15 will just be a matter of time.
63. I get to have control over what I want to do with and how I want to do the business.
64. In Nu Skin, the company will not fire you for poor performance. You alone will fire yourself, when you quit in the business.
65. Network marketing is not about earning more income, it's actually about building an asset.
66. Nu Skin is our bridge to become a reputable real estate developer and to form our own corporations and big businesses.
67. Law school obliterated most of my hair; now, thanks to Nu Skin, my hair is improving! :)
68. Thanks to this business, I learned how to take care of my face.
69. I get to form the habit of celebrating my successes (big or small) every single day.
72. This business is all about empowering people. Very different from corporate employment and traditional business, where it's more of dog eat dog culture or survival of the fittest.
73. As I teach another person to succeed in this business, I get paid royalty income. If you do this in traditional business, the person you taught the business will eventually become your competitor.
74. The Nu Skin business gives me a real-world business education. In an MBA, it just teaches you how to be a high-salaried employee.
75. This business teaches me how to get organized and set my own agenda.
76. Compared to employment and traditional business, I only get to pay 10% taxes to the government.
77. This business gives me the opportunity to face my fears, deal with them, overcome them, and bring out the WINNER living inside of me :)
78. I gained a new set of friends who are going in the same direction as I am and share the same core values as I do.
79. In this business I learned to harness the power of the network. To grasp its value, it's not enough to open your eyes; you need to open your mind.
80. This business unleashes the leadership within me.
81. Participating in marathons around the world anytime I want to is a reality by being successful in this business.
82. I will be able to construct a beautiful house for my parents so that they can enjoy their lives without worry.
83. This business teaches me how to dream again; and not just any other dream, but BIG DREAMS for family and country.
84. Having a lot of IQ is not a crucial factor to succeed, but having a stable EQ.
85. Because the Team Elites (people who succeed in the Nu Skin business earning millions of passive income per month) are real and down-to-earth generous people. I want to succeed fast because I want to be like them.
86. In this business, we are starting to create livelihood programs for barangays and cooperatives to help them start a small mobile face spa business.
87. I was able to recover very fast from my first marathon (42.195Km) thanks to one of our products - OverDrive. The time will come when hardcore runners and other athletes will be able to perform better and recover faster.
88. With the company's technology, extending our lives up to 100+ years is a possibility.
89. This business provides Filipinos to start their own business with low risk.
91. Nu Skin, being a network marketing company, is a recession proof business that's the last bastion of free enterprise.
92. Because network marketing is in essence, word-of-mouth marketing. No need for flashy advertisements or celebrity endorsers. In fact, Christianity and Facebook are the best examples of network marketing.
93. The beauty of this business is that it can be started by anyone, regardless of gender, religion, race or educational attainment. (Everyone starts on equal ground).
94. Competitors and mass market products target in removing the signs of aging. AgeLOC targets the SOURCES of aging.
95. Once your business expands to different countries, it's like your business never sleeps. When Asia sleeps, America wakes up. When America sleeps, Europe wakes up.
96. For the guys like me, being with a company that specializes in skin care doesn't make you less of man. In fact, most Team Elites are men.
97. This business can help you become a TYPE 5 person - those with TIME freedom and MONEY freedom while STAYING YOUNG.
98. This business is like parenting. It's more like a bird teaching chicks how to fly. And sometimes the people you teach are those older than you :)
99. Nu Skin celebrates twice a year, recognizing those who became successful and awarding them pin titles.
100. When I become a Team Elite, I can get to do all the things I am passionate about - running, singing, learning how to cook, scuba diving, traveling, and a whole lot more. One of my big dreams is to run a marathon with my children and grandchildren. :)
101. I get to build this business with my life partner, Jenny Sia. Nu Skin is the perfect platform for us to build everything we want for our future. But most of all, Nu Skin can give us all the time for our future children. :)
So there you are. I can think of more reasons, but that will do for now.
In case you want to know more about this wonderful business opportunity, we conduct a business presentation every Saturday 4:00-7:00pm at Nu Skin Makati office, 26th Floor Trafalgar Plaza Building, H.V. Dela Costa Street, Salcedo Village, Makati. You can also contact me at 0917-8588907 to schedule a meeting complete with free demo of one of our revolutionary products, the ageLOC Galvanic Spa.
Click the link below for a short video of the Nu Skin ageLOC opportunity.